Pare Helps Raise Money for Smithfield Welfare Holiday Fund

Firm News | Dec 2014

Pare Helps Raise Money for Smithfield Welfare Holiday Fund

December 24, 2014  |  Firm News
Brandon Blanchard, P.E., ENV SP
Managing Engineer in Pare's Environmental Division
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Pare employees from several divisions joined the Town of Smithfield on December 5th for their 5th Annual Bowling Tournament to benefit the Smithfield Welfare Department’s Holiday Fund. The Smithfield Welfare Department is a food pantry and resource department that offers confidential assistance to low-income and disadvantaged individuals and families in the Town of Smithfield. This tournament helps raise money for the fund at a time when families are particularly in need.


Teams participating in this year’s tournament included local businesses, civic groups, and several Town departments. Many local businesses also donated goods and services for a tournament raffle, with proceeds to benefit the fund.


PARE entered three 5-member teams. This is the third year that one of the Pare teams showed that they are as adept at bowling as they are at performing engineering services for the town, as they took home first-place!




Bobby Sykes, Engineer at PARE, enthusiastically warms up for play.


George Palmisciano (pictured at center of back row), Senior Vice President at PARE, participated on the Smithfield Rotary Club’s team.