Members of Pare’s Sustainability Committee have been busy helping communities design resilient and sustainable projects and encouraging our employees to incorporate green practices into our everyday lives.
In honor of Earth Day, they held an office-wide Jeans Drive to support the “Blue Jeans Go Green” ( program to help us become
The Sustainability Committee also organized the Annual Pare Earth Day Photo Contest. The winner of this year contest was Project Engineer Dave Caouette with his photo “Honeybee.”

This photo was one in a series that he took in his garden on April 17th.
He commented, “These grape hyacinth were taking over and I decided to go out and remove a few to regain my garden. Instead I found myself in a prone position watching scores of honeybees hard at work. Live and let live.”
He also shared a few great resources to help us all learn how we can all help the bees!
- Info on Bees (bee 101):
- Honeybee alternatives (easy to make and very safe to have around as they don’t sting):
- Things to know before you spray (to minimize impact to bees):
- The impact of spraying:
For helping us remember that bees are essential for food production,