Green and Economically Successful! – Rumford Center Project – East Providence, RI

Firm News | Oct 2012

Green and Economically Successful! – Rumford Center Project – East Providence, RI

October 01, 2012  |  Firm News
Cari Orsi, P.E., LEED AP
Cari Orsi, P.E., LEED AP
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The Providence Business News just reported that this project was given the 2012 Project of the Year Award by Northeastern Economic Developers Association.  Check out the full story here:,70445 This proves that a project can be both green and economically successful!  Fortunately, Pare Corporation had the opportunity to provide the site engineering for the Rumford Center project.

The original concept of this project as outlined by the development team, a partnership between Peregrine Group and Kirkbrae Properties, was sustainable.  Although, the project did not receive any sort of recognition on a rating system the development and design team were invested in doing the right thing for the environment.  Since the property had been the site for the Rumford Chemical Works it was previously developed and had nine buildings with a majority of the site being pavement.  Some of the more sustainable site features for this re-development are listed below:

  • Re-development Component: The project used existing land and buildings that had been previously disturbed
  • Remediation Activities:  Both buildings and site went through remediation to bring the complex up to current environmental standards
  • Reduction in Impervious Area:  The complex was primarily paved.  With the redevelopment impervious areas were planned and defined and are now outlined with pedestrian areas, landscaping and grasses.  This will reduce runoff and reduce the heat island effect.
  • Treatment of Runoff Water Quality:  As part of the proposed drainage design, deep sump catchbasins and a structural water quality treatment unit were installed rather than relying on the existing underground system.

Before Construction Photos

After Construction Photos compliments of Peregrine Group