Ashland-MWRA Water System Interconnection

Ashland & Southborough, MA

Ashland-MWRA Water System Interconnection

Ashland & Southborough, MA
  • Water system hydraulic analysis
  • Valve upgrades at a water storage tank
  • Pump station improvements
  • 1,500 linear feet of water mains
  • Preparation of a MassWorks grant application
  • DEP and MWRA permitting

Due to our familiarity with Southborough’s water system, Pare was retained by the neighboring Town of Ashland to assess the feasibility of connecting the Town of Ashland’s water system to the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) through a connection with the Town of Southborough in order to provide a supplemental supply of water when needed.

The purpose of the project was to evaluate if Southborough’s existing water distribution system could supply Ashland via an indirect connection to MWRA, identify what upgrades would be necessary to make the connection feasible, and provide design and construction phase services for the proposed improvements.

The evaluation determined that Southborough’s water distribution system would require several upgrades in order to achieve the connection:

  • Installation of an actuated butterfly control valve and associated piping in an aboveground enclosure at Southborough’s Overlook Water Storage Tank
  • Upgrades to pumps, piping, electrical components, and appurtenant site features at Southborough’s Hosmer Pump Station
  • Installation of approximately 1,500 linear feet of 12-inch ductile iron water main in the road leading to the Hosmer Pump Station
  • Installation of a meter vault and backflow preventer at the proposed interconnection between the Ashland and Southborough water systems on Oregon Road and reconstruction of the road at this location.

Pare assisted the Town of Ashland with the preparation of a successful MassWorks grant application and other permit applications through MassDEP. Pare prepared design plans and specifications and provided construction observation and administration services to the Towns. Construction for the project, which included coordination with local authorities (e.g., MassDEP, MWRA, local electrical companies, etc.) was completed in October 2021.