
Wetlands / Environmental Permitting


Wetlands / Environmental Permitting

Pare provides our clients with assistance in a wide range of natural resources and environmental permitting services, including wetland delineation, soil evaluation, erosion and sedimentation control planning, and permit acquisition. We also have expertise addressing enforcement actions and permit appeals. Our services are available on a stand-alone basis or as part of a larger suite of planning, design, and construction services.

Accurate, detailed, and comprehensive wetland delineations form the foundation of responsible and efficient site design and project development. Pare’s Environmental Scientists have extensive wetland experience in the glaciated Northeast United States where precise delineation and classification of wetland resources is critical to project success. Pare can provide valuable perspective on site suitability for a particular use by interpreting GIS data and other published mapping; identifying, classifying, delineating and surveying regulated wetland areas in the field; potential permit requirements; and identifying possible regulatory conflicts.

Pare offers extensive experience in preparing permit application submittals consisting of the specialized plans, studies and specifications necessary to assure timely regulatory approval with a minimum of project modification. Representative application filings include the US Army Corps of Engineers, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), US Coast Guard, US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), state environmental protection agencies, conservation commissions, coastal resources agencies, and local zoning and planning boards.

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